Growing demand of high-value animal proteins

The population growth and rising income in Asia, Middle East and Africa result in an increasing demand of high-value animal proteins in the form of meat, fish, eggs and milk. These livestock products are a source of essential micronutrients such as mineral and vitamins.

Governments in these areas also recognize the need to stimulate the local production and want to become less dependent on imports. But the majority of farms are still small scale and lack the knowledge and capital to grow in a sustainable way.

In the absence of strict government control these farmers often rely heavily on antibiotics to protect and improve their animal’s performance which is not only inefficient and expensive but will also results in development of antibiotic resistance.

Healthy animals are the standard, antibiotics the exception for all farmers

To be healthy all animals need a well balances feed ratio and live in a clean environment to remain healthy. Therefore B-VET focuses on FEED & CARE of livestock in developing markets.

Basic feed ingredients are in general available in most countries but high temperatures and humidity degrade the vitamins in the feed and stimulate the growth of molds which produce toxins.

B-VET understands the needs of these farmers and offers a range of high concentration products in small presentations.

High concentrations will reduce the freight costs.
Small presentations make sure products remain affordable for small scale farmer.

We focus on improving the feed conversion ratio by offering
– Mold inhibitors and Toxin binders to improve the feed quality and storage conditions.
– Vitamins and minerals to optimize the feed composition and stimulate resistance.
– Hygiene & Pest control products to distribute clean food, clean water in a clean farm houses.

B-VET further offers technical support and training to improve the profitability of the farmers.
Because we believe that prevention is cheaper than treatment.