Liquid Additive


A complementary feed with B vitamins and pro-vitamins to improve fertility, prevent anemia, and enhance overall health.

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B-COMPLEX is an oral liquid complementary feed formulated with essential B vitamins and pro-vitamins to support various physiological functions in poultry. These vitamins are crucial for metabolism, growth, development, and overall health.

An adequate supply of B vitamins prevents metabolic disorders, supports normal blood coagulation, and enhances fertility. B-COMPLEX is particularly beneficial in improving fertility, preventing anemia, enhancing egg production, and reducing early chick mortality.

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Improves Fertility and Hatchability

Enhances reproductive performance.

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Prevents Anemia and Muscle Weakness

Supports blood health and muscle function.

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Improves Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)

Enhances the efficiency of feed utilization.

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Improves Egg Production in Layers

Boosts egg production rates.

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Prevents Early Chick Mortality

Reduces mortality rates in young chicks.

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Improves Resistance Against Diseases

Strengthens the immune system.

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Prevents Diarrhea, Heatstroke, and Stress

Alleviates stress and related conditions.

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Essential for Proper Digestion and Metabolism

Supports metabolic processes and nutrient absorption.

Need More Details?

For a comprehensive overview of this product, including detailed composition, usage instructions, scientific support, and additional benefits, please download the PDF.

Download Detailed Info (PDF)

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